a beginners guide to purchasing wine hero

a beginner’s guide to purchasing wine

infographic poster

The objective of a “Beginner’s Guide to Purchasing Wine” infographic is to direct the viewer to purchasing the appropriate bottle of wine for the occasion. This project creates an engaging and visually appealing illustration for the viewer. This 18’’ x 24’’-sized poster would be displayed inside wineries, liquor stores, and grocery stores. The information from research was organized into this sectioned layout by using illustrated icons and text. Shades of wine reds, oranges, cream, gray, and muted green separate the sections. The wine pairing section informs the viewer of a food and glass choice. Next to the glasses, is a section that differentiates a cork versus a screw-off cap.

The bottom is sectioned off for decoding the label: how much to purchase, how many bottles do you need, and to help the viewer breakdown the importer to the alcohol by volume. Included is a graph that tells the viewer the math of the bottles they need for their event. The primary fonts for the infographic are Kohinoor Bangla Bold and Grafolita Script Bold. Kohinoor Bangla Bold is the overall primary font that is used in the headline and subheads are very easy to read. Grafolita Script Bold is the script font in the headline. It has a heavy stroke to mimic the fonts that are used on wine labels.


wine categories icon

wine categories

glass types icon

glass types

food pairings icon

food pairings

screw cap icon

screw cap

guests icon


color & type study

dark gray drop

c:70 m:67 y:64 k:74

r:34 g:31 b:34


muted green drop

c:48 m:70 y:66 k:13

r:131 g:127 b:96


wine red drop

c:32 m:100 y:61 k:27

r:139 g:24 b:63



c:26 m:100 y:63 k:16

r:164 g:29 b:69


light red drop

c:13 m:96 y:72 k:2

r:208 g:45 b:70


orange drop

c:14 m:73 y:100 k:3

r:207 g:100 b:40


yellow drop

c:7 m:11 y:67 k:0

r:239 g:216 b:114


kohinoor bangla regular font
kohinoor bangla medium font
kohinoor bangla semibold font
kohinoor bangla bold font
grafolita script bold font


sketches of first half
sketches of second half


first version of poster

version 1

second version of poster

version 2

final wine poster

final version